There are several ways that thieves can gain access to a vehicle and open its doors:

  1. Lock picking: Thieves can use specialized tools, such as slim jims and lock picks, to manipulate the lock mechanism and unlock the door.

  2. Door jamming: Thieves can use a tool, such as a coat hanger or a rod, to wedge the door open or to push the lock mechanism out of place.

  3. Picking the lock with a key: In some cases, thieves can use a copied key or a blank key to unlock the door. This is more likely to be successful with older or less secure locks.

  4. Breaking the window: If the thief is unable to unlock the door, they may try to break a window to gain access to the vehicle.

  5. Using a remote jammer: Some thieves use a device that can block the signal from the owner's remote key fob, preventing the owner from locking the doors or activating the alarm. The thief can then gain access to the vehicle without being detected.

It is important to take steps to protect your vehicle from theft, such as using a steering wheel lock, installing a security system, and always locking the doors and windows.

Evald Rovbut